Trail Lust Wander

Founded by Williamer Bernsluck with the help of Enrique Fritzerosal, offers the latest news on epic hiking trails, trail gear reviews, adventure travel guides, and outdoor survival skills.

The Spark of Inspiration

The seeds of Trail Lust Wander were sown in the rugged landscapes of Northern California, where our founder, Williamer Bernsluck, grew up exploring the wilderness.

As a child, Williamer’s weekends were filled with hikes in the Sierra Nevada mountains, camping trips under the stars, and countless hours spent immersed in nature.

These early experiences instilled in him a profound appreciation for the outdoors and a lifelong passion for adventure.

As Williamer ventured into adulthood, his love for the trails only grew stronger. He began seeking out more challenging hikes, both within the United States and abroad, from the vast stretches of the Pacific Crest Trail to the remote and towering peaks of the Himalayas.

With every step he took, he found not just a path through the wilderness, but a deeper connection to the world around him. The trails became his sanctuary, a place where he could find clarity, peace, and inspiration.

Our Articles

Explore more about epic hiking trails, trail gear reviews, adventure travel guides, and outdoor survival skills.

What Is Virtual Trail Experience?

In virtual trail experiences, I get to explore digital recreations of real-world trails from the comfort of my own home. These virtual experiences use advanced technologies like virtual reality to simulate the sights and sounds of outdoor trails, providing an immersive adventure without needing to physically be there.

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